Benefits of the Jump Rope

Who doesn’t love an effective and FUN way to train? Jump roping might be one of the greatest, yet most underrated forms of exercise used. It’s an awesome style of training to utilize. Why? Well a few reasons - it’s inexpensive, you only need a small amount of space, and it is super easy to travel with! PLUS there are a variety of ways to make it fun and creative!

Health wise, jump roping is super beneficial for you & your overall wellness. It engages your entire body in one exercise and has great health adaptations when done consistently.

Whether you are new to jump roping or have built up your skill level, here are a couple ways for you to start using a jump rope, make it fun, and challenge yourself. For the beginner or advanced person - we all have to start somewhere - OWN where you are now and focus on improving one day at a time.

  • For the beginner: if you are new to using a jump rope - be patient with yourself. Focus on developing the skill first and then slowly challenge yourself by adding in more creativity

    • Example: 8 to 10 rounds, 20 seconds on-20 seconds off

      • Focus on just jumping up and down lightly over the rope for 20 seconds, take a break and then repeat!

  • Jump rope workouts for the more advanced:

    • Interval Work - 20 minutes

      • Example: 20 minutes total

        • 3 minute warm-up: light/moderate pace

        • 15 minutes: 30 seconds hard, 30 second rest and repeat - this can be single jumps, high knees, side to side jumps, single leg hops - be creative and challenge yourself!

        • 2 minute cool-down: light/easy pace

    • Circuit Training - add it into your current training routine

      • Warm-ups: jump rope for 3-5 minutes to warm up your body and muscles and increase your heart rate before attacking your workout

      • During: Incorporate jump roping into your workout through circuit training or supersets

        • Example: 12 KB swings + 50 jump ropes + 30 second plank

      • Post-workout: Perform a quick 10 minute high intensity interval training session after your workout to top off your training for the day

        • 10 rounds: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off and repeat

NOW onto the health benefits of jump roping…

  • Improves coordination, agility, footwork and quickness

  • Increases strength and endurance - improved cardiovascular fitness

  • Strengthens surrounding joints and ligaments

  • Enhances heart, lung and brain function

  • Potential decrease in body fat percentage and fat mass

Whether you are currently training, a former athlete trying to establish a new routine or you are looking for ways to improve your overall health —jump roping might just become your new best friend! Personally, being a former athlete and trying to find a new routine - I have loved the variety of training styles jump roping provides and the ability to easily use and adapt it to my current lifestyle and fitness goals.

Go purchase your jump rope (click HERE), get practicing, have fun and  start to reap the benefits!Much love,Addison ッ  . . #adding2yourlife

Go purchase your jump rope (click HERE), get practicing, have fun and start to reap the benefits!

Much love,

Addison ッ


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